
Adult faith formation is a process by which people consciously grow in the life of Jesus Christ through experience, reflection, prayer, and study. There are several opportunities for growth offered at various times during the year at All Saints.

Contact our parish office with any questions or for further information.

Below are several opportunities that meet regularly.

College Students

We welcome you to Mass on the LCSC campus on Wednesdays at 12:10 pm when classes are in session (Mid-Sept to Mid-May).

Bible Study

Thursdays 10:00 a.m. —11:30 a.m. throughout the year. Deacon George Ivory facilitates this weekly group meeting. Various Bible Study materials are used. Often Bible Study programs & materials from Ascension Press are used.

Women’s Book Club and Fellowship

Second Tuesday of the month from 1:00—2:30 pm. The group chooses a book to read based on Catholic values and enjoys conversation. Cheryl Ludvik facilitates.

Adult Faith Formation

Wednesday evening from 6:30–7:30 pm during the Religious Education program year (October to April). This is an opportunity for parents, working adults, and all adults seeking to grow in their faith. This group meets while the children and youth are in religious education classes.

O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults formerly known as R.C.I.A.)

Wednesday evening from 6:30–7:30 pm. This is a planned program for persons interested in learning about our Faith with the possibility of entering into full membership in the Church. It is planned to meet the needs of inquirers as well as the requirements of the Church. For more information about our O.C.I.A. program click here. Program schedule here.