The assembly, including all the liturgical ministers and music ministers, is the primary minister of the liturgy. The liturgical ministers are there to serve the assembly. There are several choices at All Saints.


Lectors proclaim God’s Living Word during weekend Masses and special Liturgies.

Extra Ordinary Ministers

Extra Ordinary Ministers assist in the distribution of the Eucharist with reverence and dignity. This ministry is open to confirmed (age 16 or older), practicing Catholics who have a deep love for the Eucharist.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers help the priest as he celebrates the Mass.  Girls and boys 3rd grade and above are invited to join this ministry.


The primary responsibility of the sacristan is to prepare for all sacred Eucharistic liturgies.


The members of the music ministry devotedly share their time and talents to lead us in song during our liturgies.

Liturgy Support

Ministers of Hospitality

Ministers of Hospitality greet all who come to weekend and Holy Day liturgies to make them feel welcomed as we prepare to celebrate Mass. An additional hospitality resource can be viewed here  


Committee members create an appropriate atmosphere to enhance the liturgy