Outreach and Service Ministries    

The purpose of this ministry is to stimulate parish awareness of human social needs and to develop effective responses. We are a combined All Saints Parish commission. Some of the groups All Saints offers support either monetarily or through  ministry supports are, but not limited to: Family Promise, Habitat for Humanity, Interlink, St. Vincent de Paul, Life Choices, Snake River Community Clinic, Reliance and Catholic Charities.

Women of All Saints (W.A.S.)

Women of All Saints (W.A.S.) is a ministry of All Saints Catholic Church which provides an environment where all parish women have the opportunity to participate in events that promote spiritualization, socialization, and service throughout our community.  for additional information please contact the parish office.

Habitat for Humanity

Help us build a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Food Bank Sunday

The first Sunday of each month is designated as Food Bank Sunday. Parishioners are asked to bring non-perishable food and hygiene items to Mass and place them in the donation box. Ministers are assigned monthly on a rotating basis to pick-up donations at Church and deliver to the food bank weekly.

svpSt.Vincent dePaul Ministry

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is composed  of dedicated members who are committed to live and grow in their everyday lives through personal enrichment by involvement in charitable activities. Members provide needy men, women and children of all walks of life with food, clothing, financial or other assistance as needed.

Direct Inquiries to Social Services  509-758-8361 (M-Tu-W Noon to 3:30 p.m.).

Follow this link for our Social Services brochure.

charityCatholic Charities of Idaho Catholic Charities of Idaho

Catholic Charities agencies and institutions nationwide provide vital social services to people in need, regardless of their religious, social, or economic backgrounds.

Catholic Charities of Idaho is a non-profit organization providing social services and working for social justice. The agency prioritizes volunteerism and collaborative endeavors with other organizations and Catholic parishes.

The ministry of Catholic Charities of Idaho reaches out to all in need, regardless of religion or other categories of difference among us.

Respect Life…

Most of us probably take for granted (at least some of the time) that we are created, loved and redeemed by God. Yet, distracted as we are by the noise and activities of daily life, we need to make time to reflect on this central truth of life – and the answer to the universal human question:  Who am I, and what am I doing here? When our ancestors in faith lost their moral and spiritual bearings, Jesus took on human flesh to show us the radical nature of God’s love. His love is far from being passive, generic or abstract. It is not just a kindly feeling toward others. Jesus’ love was personal, passionate and self-giving. He showed us by example, as well as through parables, what God expects of us. The model of love by which we will be measured, according to the parable of the Last Judgment (cf. Mt 25: 31-46), is that of the righteous who visited prisoners, and fed, clothed, welcomed and cared for the needy and strangers.

As Christians, then, each one of us is called, to the best of his or her ability, to be involved in:

  • personal, concrete and practical acts of kindness toward those whom God puts in our paths
  • organized charitable activities, through personal service and/or financial support
  • working toward a just ordering of society by taking part in public life to help ensure that laws and policies respect the lives and dignity of all, especially those who are most vulnerable (Pope Benedict XVI,  God Is Love)

Most of us, even if we slip up more often than we care to admit, understand the importance of treating all with kindness. We understand the need to work with the Church’s charities serving those in need, whether we do so by donating our time or our financial support. But we are called to do more. By speaking the truth about human life in love, we can help build a society that protects and respects every human life, born and unborn, and better reflects our status as children of God.

Rachel Vineyard

Rachel Vineyard is an annual healing retreat sponsored by the Catholic Charities of Idaho and is open to any woman or man who has been affected by abortion regardless of their faith background.  Rachel Vineyard offers the chance to tell your story privately, counseling with people professionally trained lay persons,  priests or deacons trained to help meet your spiritual needs.

Service Ministries

Family Promise of Lewis-Clark Valley

Volunteers team up for an evening to provide: a meal, as an evening host or as an overnight host.

Lazarus Ministry

The Lazarus team helps guide the family of the deceased in planning the church funeral service.

Funeral Reception Committee

Members cook, set-up and clean-up or provide dishes for funeral receptions.