All Saints Catholic Parish is a dynamic faith-filled Catholic community striving to answer our call to discipleship through Jesus Christ. With Christian stewardship as our goal, our ministries flourish by developing authentic and mature persons gratefully sharing their gifts of time, talent and treasure as a means of building a community of faith and the Kingdom of God.
Visitors: If you are planning to visit Lewiston, please be sure to check our Sunday Mass Schedule and get directions to our Parish.
Old Friends: If you are a member of All Saints, and would like to reach out to the newest members of our community, consider joining this ministry to meet new people as they register at All Saints and welcome them to our parish.
New Friends: If you are new to All Saints, we want you to know how welcome you are — whether you have come here from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish. We invite you to join us and be part of our Catholic community by registering at All Saints.

Station of All Saints Parish
305 Birch Avenue
Lapwai, ID 83540
Fax: 208.843.2562
Map / Driving directions